Stop Growing Apart Before It's Too Late

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Learn the 3 R's for Ending Struggle.

Discover How to Listen to a Woman

Uncover How to Talk to a Man

Learn the Steps to Move Forward Now!


"Donna and Jason are amazing individuals and work well as a team to communicate the language in a powerful way. As well, we see them living their teachings, and they inspire by way of their example. You both rock! Thank you for this life-changing experience."
 -Jason Penstock, Accountant (Victoria, British Columbia)

Donna Tosky, Facilitator / Coach

Donna treasures the new direction her life took since immersing herself in the human potential movement in the mid-1990’s. In college she was trained to work in a laboratory setting as a technical chemist. Certainly you would agree ... No correlation to a relationship coach, trainer or workshop facilitator!

By sharing the material of the "Between Men and Women" workshop she demonstrates a way of awakening people to their inherent wholeness. "Nothing exists alone," Donna says. "Everything is in relationship. All of life can be mirrored in the relationships between men and women...It’s about people getting their greatness," she adds.

Donna empowers men and women to be comfortable with their natural perfection, both as individuals and as they relate to the opposite sex. Her workshops are based on natural principles of relating. Donna believes these innate principles predict and explain behavior between the men and women with all the accuracy and reliability we attribute to the physical sciences in how they explain nature. According to Donna, "I don’t want people mistaking the workshop for a course in behavioral or gender psychology. The truth is the material is very practical and reveals who men and women really are based on years of observing them in their day-to-day activities."

"The workshop is not about changing people, 'fixing' anything or laying blame. You can’t change who you are. It’s about waking up to what’s already what’s been working for you all along," she says. Clients that participate in her workshops consistently report breakthrough results in the areas of compassion, self esteem and acceptance for themselves and others.

Her light and easy manner will come across in your workshop as she and Jason, her co-facilitator, create a comfortable space for you to discover the intriguing and sometimes humorous facts about who Men and Women are. She delivers this material to others with the same enthusiasm and confidence that she was inspired by and trusts that you too will be as enlightened and empowered by this knowledge as she has been.

Donna and Jason are excited to be developing programs based on the consciousness research done with couples at the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) laboratory. PEAR’s research demonstrated the creative power of intention men and women have when in a bonded relationship.

Donna has a keen interest in remote healing and energy medicine. She is a Certified BodyTalk System practitioner and as a member and student of PaRama College, uses these advanced procedures within her global wellness practice.

Donna is an active member of the International BodyTalk Association (IBA), the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPOC) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Donna lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in the shadow of the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

Jason Krausert, Production Supervisor

When Jason was three years old his parents divorced. A few weeks after the separation, Jason's Mom sang him to sleep with the age-old classic Brahms’ Lullaby. She sang it to him often when he was a baby, but this time was different. Jason became so hysterically upset his Mom called the family doctor. He made a house-call and said if Jason didn't calm down soon that he should be given a mild sedative. He eventually fell asleep. A couple weeks later his Mom, curious about what had made him so upset, sang Brahms’ Lullaby to him again. As before, Jason became upset though not like the previous time. After he had settled down, his Mom asked why that song upset him so much.

Three-year old Jason simply said, "‘cause it 'minds me when we was a family."

Today, more families than ever are experiencing similar trauma. Almost 50 per cent of first marriages end in divorce, while close to 60 per cent of second marriages end the same way. This situation threatens families...the core of our society...and undermines people's quality of life. In today's hectic world, relationships become just one more item on a growing "to do" list of life.

When Jason was first exposed to the "Between Men and Women" Workshop in February of 2007 he immediately saw it as a way to contribute to others living their full potential and to their having access to a relationship that is fun and easy. He discovered who he is as a man, and he found out what makes women happy. Rather than something to work at, his relationship with Donna is exciting. She empowers him as a man and motivates him to accomplish in life. "She is truly my ‘other half' perfect complement," Jason says.

For Jason, producing "Between Men and Women" with Donna is about building a dynamic business that lets him be a service to people - empowering them to be happy, fulfilled and safe in relationships and in life. It's about equipping people to generate their own happiness and to get what they want from life. It is about making relationships a safe space for men and women.

Jason says, "Relationship is more than what most people realize. It's an active, vital, energic resource for creating your life, one that rests at people's fingertips. Our workshops are about giving people awareness of that resource so they can use it to promote well-being and overall satisfaction in life."