March 26


How to Find the Ease and Comedy in Relationship

At the start of this past weekend's Between Men and Women Couples Relationship Retreat we asked participants their goals for the weekend...what do they want for themselves and their relationship? One participant said, amongst other things, that she wanted "to get the comedy in it all"...just what is, free of drama and significance. I loved that! It made me smile because I see in relationships God's / the Universe's / Creator's sense of humour. Men and women are naturally drawn to each other, yet who they are is so naturally different that the result is often drama, to and fro, and a head-spinning array of fun, emotions and confusion. I can't help but picture God chuckling a little as (S)He watches us make so much of the drama, when in fact that's not what it's all about. Drama comes from focusing on the past, or on what "should be" based on standards we hold. Ease and fun, on the other hand, come from just being...from acknowledging the perfection of who we each are and enjoying the ride. If nothing else, we intend that participants take with them that message...the natural perfection of who they are and to have fun, not in spite of the ride, but because of it. And if you hear a soft chuckle, you'll know why. To Your Greatness! "Between Men and Women" Couples Relationship Retreat


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