Stop Growing Apart Before It's Too Late

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Learn the 3 R's for Ending Struggle.

Discover How to Listen to a Woman

Uncover How to Talk to a Man

Learn the Steps to Move Forward Now!

Why “BMW”?

You have your own reasons for being on this page and for considering joining us for the next "Between Men and Women" Couples Relationship Retreat. Here a few more "really good reasons" to join us that you we hope you will consider: Really Good Reason #1 - You will learn a "language" that builds your partner up, rather than tears him or her down.
By Johny Drake, Copyright
In your "Between Men and Women" couples relationship retreat you will learn an empowering and freeing language of relating that is based in the newly discovered context in which you will hold yourself, your partner and your relationship. Why is this so critical? The words we direct towards ourselves and others are more powerful than most people know. Japanese researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, did an experiment in which he spoke three phrases to three identical jars of water-covered rice everyday for 1 month. To one jar, he said, "Thank you." To a second jar, he said, "You're an idiot." And the third jar, he ignored entirely. After one month, the rice being thanked began to ferment and give off a "pleasant aroma". The rice Dr. Emoto ignored, began to rot. The rice receiving the words, "You're an idiot," turned black. If simple emotionally-charged phrases, not to mention indifference, can cause such dramatic physical decomposition in rice, imagine the impact on your and your partner's bodies and well-being of the emotionally-charged words, thoughts and indifference you direct at one another everyday - "What an egotistical jerk." "Why can't she ever make up her mind?" "He's useless." "You're crazy." "You make me sick." "You're an idiot." "Why can't you be more like (fill in the blank)?" When you understand what's really behind those behaviours you object to, the context in which you hold your partner shifts, and the language and thoughts you direct his or her way automatically shift as as a result. You will both feel better and your relationship will be transformed. This is what you can expect from the "Between Men and Women" Couples Relationship Retreat. Your life, love and well-being will thank you! Really Good Reason #2 - Discover how to create the life and relationship you want by honouring yourself and your partner, without make wrong or compromise. After completing her "Between Men and Women" retreat a recent participant had this to say: "This retreat was a real eye-opener for me. And I thought I knew men pretty good – apparently not!” That's common. Too often relationships are muddied by stubborn misconceptions, misunderstandings or expectations people harbour about who their partner is, who they should be, and/or what we feel we deserve in life. As a result, we tend to focus on what's wrong with him, what's frustrating about her, what's disappointing in the relationship, and a thousand other "should be's" that leave us present to what's not working. And guess what? What we focus on is what we tend to get. Oh, awesome! So what's the answer to shifting your focus and achieving the results you want? You have to be willing to let go of those misconceptions, misunderstandings and expectations so you can create from a clean space that honours your and your partner's natural qualities. It's on those natural qualities, and their purpose and perfection, that you should put your focus. But what are those qualities? In your "Between Men and Women" retreat, we show you: a) what those innate qualities are so you know what to focus on (in fact, up to 32 qualities for men and 34 for women); b) We show you how the differences between men and women complement each other perfectly; c) You get permission to be yourself and to experience the freedom of letting your partner be themselves. From this clean space you can create whatever you want for your life and your relationship. Click Here for Retreat Details and How to Register Really Good Reason #3 - To cut yourself some slack - you don't need to be "fixed". We can't tell you how often retreat participants - both men and women - tell us that the Between Men and Women retreat confirmed for them that they aren't crazy - that it gave them a sense of "compassion for self"; that it verified that their "feelings are normal and not wrong"; and, ultimately, that its "okay to be me". With the number of people we see come through the retreat, its impossible to not notice just how hard people are on themselves. Why? We all have an inner-knowing that we are perfect...that we are as we are for a reason...that nothing needs to be fixed or changed. Yet the media, other well-meaning people, our own insecurity and guilt bombard us with the message that there is something wrong with us, that we should be this way or that way, that there is some standard that we should achieve yet keep falling short of. In Between Men and Women, you will see the beautiful, and often humorously quirky perfection in who you and your partner are - in how you think, how you react, and how you are in relationship. Talk about freedom for yourself and your partner! Really Good Reason #4 - We teach you to fish...Say what? Okay...we don't actually teach you to fish (though apparently Lake Minnewanka in Banff has a killer trout fishery). We will, however, show you how to never have to rely on anyone but yourself to handle any relationship issue that gets in your way for the rest of your life. How do we do that in just two days? You've heard the saying, "Give a man fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime." So, in a manner of speaking, we will teach you to fish - we will present a relationship model that is naturally intuitive and easy to understand and apply. You will become aware of the resource that's always been there between you naturally. In "Between Men and Women" we help you see the natural perfection in yourself, your partner and your relationship, as well as the resource that this perfection is for your life. That's a powerful place to come from in life and relationship. Click Here for Retreat Details and How to Register
What's your purpose together?
Really Good Reason #5 - Have purpose revealed in your relationship. In your "Between Men and Women" Couples Relationship Retreat, you will discover the purpose of who you are in life and relationship, and of your relationship itself. For example, the purpose of the much maligned male ego is not, believe it or not, to create irritation and intimidation. The ego is that insatiable drive to win and to be the best that's at the source of all the amazing accomplishments men have achieved, from skyscrapers to businesses to medical breakthroughs to triumphing over injustice to strong communities and families...and it can be annoying too. For their part, a woman's seeming indecisiveness is actually related to a way of thinking - called "random thinking" - that has women see and interpret the world in a very different way than men, resulting in unique ways of approaching problems that can evade a man's practical "linear" way of thinking. Your relationship has purpose too. What that purpose is varies from couple to couple and can change over the course of a relationship. Some couples are about family. Others are about their business. Yet others are about common interests like travelling the world. For some, it can be as simple as being good company for another. Having purpose is the glue that holds two people together. In "Between Men and Women", we encourage you to actively pursue clarity on your purpose together as a couple and on each of your respective roles in having that purpose realized. Really Good Reason #6 - You will learn how to drive. Have you ever driven a standard transmission vehicle? If you have, you know that it doesn't work so well if you try to drive it the same way you do an automatic. Think about how it went when you were learning to drive a stick shift without fully appreciating the importance of the differences between it and an automatic. If you don't depress the clutch, the car won't even start. If you brake without depressing the clutch the engine stalls. If you don't maintain the appropriate balance between clutch and gas when you shift the car lurches and jumps like a wild bronco. If you don't account for those differences things won't go very smoothly. And, like a standard transmission car driving uphill, if you don't have an acute understanding of the differences between you and your partner when things get rough, you are likely to get that scary, stomach twisting sense of things going backwards and you won't know what to do. "Between Men and Women" provides that understanding. For example, an important message in "Between Men and Women" is that women operate much of time in the context of, "Is it safe?" At times when Donna is concerned or anxious, often its because there is something she feels uncertain about...maybe even threatened by. I can remind myself of this, which allows me to replace frustration and helplessness with compassion, and gives me access to ways to help if that's what she wants. Other times, when I'm not being as attentive as I should be or I'm not handling things around the house, Donna reminds herself that I'm focused on something and I need to finish that before taking on something else. Those understandings, which come straight from "Between Men and Women", help us to either avoid arguments, or to move through them quickly. The "Between Men and Women" Couples Relationship Retreat is about understanding the very real differences between you and your partner, so your journey down the road of life together goes smoothly. Click Here for Retreat Details and How to Register And remember...your relationship doesn't have to be in trouble for "Between Men and Women" to make the difference you want. Our program is about who you and your partner are as a man or a woman. The program helps no matter how your relationship is going. If things are going well, it can take you to the next level. If things are not going so well, understanding each other better will uncover some ways of being that haven't been working for you, as well as give you insight into ways of being that will move your relationship forward in leaps and bounds.